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Showing posts from March, 2020

Flower Arrangement Practical - With other References (For Lecture Purpose Only)

Dear Students,  Flower Arrangement theory and practical part was covered in the campus. Now I am sending you more notes with video so that again you can revise the topic. You all have to write this module with pictures in your journal.  Flower Arrangement Introduction Purpose To ensure that the students learn about different types of flower arrangements. To ensure that the students learn about the principles of flower arrangements. Specific Outcomes 1. To ensure that the students are aware about the different categories of flower arrangements. 2. To make students learn about the application of principles while making a flower arrangement. 3. To ensure that the students are aware about the fillers and foliage used in flower arrangements 4. To ensure that the students know about the other accessories used for preparing flower arrangements. ...

Bonsai Art - Horticulture (For Lecture Purpose- References taken from web)

As we have already discussed about Horticulture unit, but one topic 'Bonsai Art' was still pending. So today we will cover this topic. For reference, I am sending you a video link to watch. You will find out how to make a bonsai art... Please go through the video and notes I have already sent you in Horticulture Module.                                                                   Bonsai We now know the literal translation of Bonsai is "tree in pot", but what is the meaning of a Bonsai tree? A Bonsai tree is a replication of nature, in the form of a miniature tree, without displaying the human intervention too clearly. The word “Bon-sai” (often misspelled as bonzai or banzai) is a Japanese term which, literally translated, and means “planted in a container”. ... The ultimate goal of growing a Bonsai is to create a ...