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Bonsai Art - Horticulture (For Lecture Purpose- References taken from web)

As we have already discussed about Horticulture unit, but one topic 'Bonsai Art' was still pending. So today we will cover this topic. For reference, I am sending you a video link to watch. You will find out how to make a bonsai art... Please go through the video and notes I have already sent you in Horticulture Module.

We now know the literal translation of Bonsai is "tree in pot", but what is the meaning of a Bonsai tree? A Bonsai tree is a replication of nature, in the form of a miniature tree, without displaying the human intervention too clearly. The word “Bon-sai” (often misspelled as bonzai or banzai) is a Japanese term which, literally translated, and means “planted in a container”. ... The ultimate goal of growing a Bonsai is to create a miniaturized but realistic representation of nature in the form of a tree. In other words Bonsai is a tree or shrub that has been dwarfed, as by pruning the roots and pinching, and is grown in a pot or other container and trained to produce a desired shape or effect.
The connotations or added/implied Bonsai tree meanings include:
A general tree-like shape or style (although not necessarily natural to that type of plant growing full-size in the wild).
A profile that is not as detailed as a photographically-real tree but has just enough features to easily suggest a full-grown tree.
Relative smallness, compared with those same types of trees outside of the container, for ease of transport and ability to keep nearby.
A sense of naturalness which has been subtly accentuated by human intervention but which is not spoiled by stark evidence of human interaction.
A particular representation of something much more than itself, and thus allowing each viewer to interpret what is shown and to build-upon this based on his or her own experiences and memories.
Something so valued that it has received care for virtually every day of its [hopefully long] containerized life.
Something held in such high regard that it was allowed to be brought temporarily into the house for honored guests even though it contained soil from the garden.
A portable oasis and transportable miniature garden which can represent the seasons and vast or favorite landscapes close-at-hand for meditation or contemplation assistance.


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  3. Very informative blog
    Soumen Ghosh (005)

  4. Mayank Mehta

  5. Tarandeep

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  8. Puru chitkara
    B batch

  9. Akash jindal

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